Reupholstery Saves Trees

Yes, Recycle, Reupholster and Reuse! This is one good reason why my esteemed clients had come back to me more than once to have the same sofas and chairs reupholstered with us. Over the years I had seen the same sofa or chairs reupholstered a second or even a third time over a span of 20 years. And with some nips and tucks, some new inserts and a new cover, the sofa is good as "new" and many trees saved! I applaud these clients for their efforts in keeping our Earth green and of course for their continuous support and trust in Jazz it Up. I am truly and very appreciative. 

Here's some of the sofas and chairs that we have the honour to be given the chance to reupholster not once but twice and even thrice over the years. 

We reupholstered this chair with the oceanic print 8 years ago. It was a refreshing change from the otherwise dull fabric before. However, wear and tear began to show.  Paint on arms had chipped. Foams on arms and seat worn. Time for a second make over. 

Now its not just armchairs, we reupholster sofas as well.  And in this case, this is the 3rd time we are reupholstering this batch of upholsteries. First time about 18 years ago, second time round about 9 years ago and this time again in 2020. We had over the years replaced the seat foams and backrest inserts. Reinforced base as required.  These sofas are now good as "new" once again. 

So instead of sending it to the dumpster, do give reupholstery a chance. Send us photos of your sofa or chairs so that we can give you a ball park quote for your consideration. You may email photos to or whatsapp Jann at 97473298 . 


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